How have sales and marketing changed in the past 5 years?

In today’s digital age, marketing has become increasingly complex and competitive. It’s no longer enough to simply post a bit on social media and hope for the best. Businesses must go above and beyond to stand out in a crowded marketplace. This is especially true during a recession, when customer spending reduces, making an increase in marketing activity vital.

The customer buying cycle has also become longer than ever before. Gone are the days of 7-13 touchpoints, it’s now at least triple that. This means that businesses must find ways to add value to their prospects, rather than coming across as a stalker through repeated follow-up calls. One way to do this is by sending valuable resources such as webinars, YouTube videos, or blog articles. By providing valuable information, businesses can establish a relationship with their prospects and increase the chances of converting them into customers.

Digital marketing is also more important than ever. Businesses can no longer be just OK at it, they must be great. This means understanding how to effectively use paid advertising, and respecting platform rules. Facebook and other social media platforms are not always your friend, and it’s important to remember that it’s their data, not yours. This is why it’s important to focus on building your own database, and not just buying one. A database is only as good as the people who interact with it, so the key is to establish a relationship with your prospects.

Which platforms should I focus on? What type of content will work?

Creating quality content is also crucial. Your website only works if you work it, so it’s important to understand how search engines like Google work. Every platform can be effective if you learn how to use it, but it’s important to not reuse the same content across different channels.

Organic PR is also important as it allows prospects to make their own decision about your business through researched and trusted content. This is why it’s important to invest time in researching keywords and search terms that are trending, and framing your articles around that. By doing so, your business can increase its chances of ranking in the top 10 for keywords, and gaining more visibility and trust from potential customers.

In conclusion, marketing has become much more complex and competitive, and businesses must go above and beyond to stand out. By providing valuable information, building a relationship with prospects, and creating quality content, businesses can increase their chances of converting prospects into customers.

I need help with my digital marketing!

If you are struggling and don’t know where to begin, or even if you have systems up and running but can’t confidently measure and analyse which aspects of your marketing are effective and not, book in for a complimentary session with our MD and Head Coach, Andrew De Groot, to give your marketing a diagnostic overhaul.

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