What is “Funny Business” all about?

Our Head of Business Development, Andi Davies, not only has a background in teaching, but also has a real love for performing stand-up comedy. So, when he caught wind of a discussion between other folk from the Devon business scene of a comedy night designed to facilitate networking, which would all be done to support charities, he couldn’t help but get involved. Ollie Jackman, Josh Butler and Raj Panchal (pictured below) had already started to lay the foundations for the event before approaching Andi to see if he would be interested in hosting the event, performing a set, and also roping in some other paid comedians to ensure a professional and high-quality element to the night – this was all for the first event back in October 2022. Ultimately, Funny Business is all about laughter, meeting people, and supporting charity.

What happens on the night?

Hosted by Emily and her team at The Terrace (in the Guildhall, Exeter), doors open at 6.30pm for drinks, canapes, and informal networking (Andi and the team are on hand to facilitate introductions and make sure people mingle). Funny Business 2 itself sold over 100 tickets: mostly people from the local business community. The comedy performances are always headed up by a representative from the chosen charity. This time, Raj introduced the reason why the British Heart Foundation had been nominated – a moving story about how he had unexpectedly lost his mother only a few years ago, at the age of 66… topped off with her favourite song by The Prodigy!

Andi then opens up the comedy with some of his own jokes – always accompanied by a song that they audience can get involved with. Then the first of the two comics will perform for around 20 minutes. This time, it was Sandi Smith who had ventured down from Somerset. There is a short interval, with the chance to meet more people, top up drinks, and importantly get raffle tickets if you hadn’t already done so! Andi then brings everyone back together and introduces the second act, who will again perform for around 20 minutes.

The night ends with a raffle draw, and this time also included a short auction for some of the main prizes (an Exeter Chiefs shirt and a 1.7 L bottle of Belvedere Vodka).

How much money was raised?

The total is yet to be fully calculated, but is guaranteed to be at least £3000, which is a combination of all the ticket sales, raffle tickets, the auction, and people donating directly to the charity in lieu of attending.

When is the next Funny Business evening?

Book tickets for the next event in September here – why miss out? Funny Business 3 is being run in aid of the Amber Foundation – would work to “support young people facing complex problems to transform their lives by helping them move out of homelessness and unemployment and work towards better, brighter futures.”

Raj Panchal - British Heart Foundation volunteer speaking to a large audience