Exeter and East Devon has a myriad of excellent business coaching, but it’s no surprise that countless self-proclaimed ‘business coaches’ have actually ended up flooding the market, offering their services to entrepreneurs and business owners. However, what sets qualified business coaches apart from the rest is not just their title but their credentials, experience, and a robust support system that ensures they can truly make a difference in their clients’ lives.
The problem: unqualified business coaches
Business coaching is an industry that has seen exponential growth in recent years, and with that growth has come an influx of individuals who, unfortunately, lack the qualifications and experience necessary to guide businesses effectively. Many self-proclaimed business coaches rely on charisma and marketing skills rather than proven expertise. There are plenty of people out there googling for qualified business coaches: this search query underscores the importance of finding a coach who is not only well-qualified but also backed by a support system that keeps them accountable for their actions and advice.
The solution: Andrew De Groot and ActionCOACH Exeter

Andrew De Groot with Kevin and Sarah Aires at an ActionCOACH GrowthCLUB 90-day planning session.
One notable exception to the sea of unqualified business coaches is Andrew De Groot, the Head Coach and Managing Director at ActionCOACH Exeter. Andrew stands out as a beacon of competence in an industry where qualifications are often lacking.
As Duncan Attwood, owner of fit20 Exeter and and ActionCOACH client says: “Andrew really cares, but also, he’s got an amazing track record throughout his career, which shows me that he knows precisely what is needed to grow a business.”
1. Qualifications matter
Andrew De Groot possesses a qualification that sets him apart: the ActionCOACH certification. This accreditation demonstrates that he has undergone extensive training and successfully completed the rigorous certification process. This is a crucial factor that any business owner should consider when looking for a business coach. Qualifications provide a foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential in helping businesses thrive. In fact, 80% of those who apply to undergo the coaching training with ActionCOACH UK are rejected.
2. Accountability through a trusted team
In addition to his qualification, Andrew benefits from a team at ActionCOACH Exeter who help him maintain a high level of accountability. This team approach ensures that clients receive consistent, high-quality coaching that is grounded in proven business strategies and methodologies. The support of a well-structured team can be a game-changer for business coaches, ensuring they stay up-to-date and focused on their clients’ success. Everyone needs a coach after all, so Andrew himself receives coaching and his held to account for how he has set his goals and the focus he has been able to put into working ON his business.
The takeaway: choose wisely
The business coaching industry is far from homogeneous. Aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners need to exercise caution and due diligence when selecting a business coach. The search for a ‘qualified business coach’ should not end with a cursory online search; it should involve a careful evaluation of a coach’s credentials, experience, and the support system that backs them up.
Andrew De Groot and ActionCOACH Exeter are prime examples of a business coach and team who take qualifications and accountability seriously. When looking for a business coach, make sure to explore their credentials and the structure in place to ensure they provide the best possible service to help your business succeed.
Not all business coaches are created equal, and qualifications do matter. To find a qualified business coach, one need look no further than Andrew De Groot at ActionCOACH Exeter, where credentials and accountability combine to create a recipe for business success. To find out more about the ActionCOACH model, take a look at this introductory video by the company founder, Brad Sugars.