Our next GrowthCLUB will take place on Thursday 14 December 2023 from 9am to 4pm. It is available to everyone being coached by ActionCOACH Exeter as well as new clients who would like to come along and see what ActionCOACH is all about.
ActionCOACH 1:1 Coaching is often delivered via Zoom or Teams as is ActionCLUB for group coaching. However, GrowthCLUB is held in person at Ocean in Exmouth, a stunning seaside venue with panoramic views. These 90 Day Planning Sessions are an essential part of the ActionCOACH experience, providing a full day when business leaders can develop a workable short term plan.
From the high energy input of Head Coach, Andrew De Groot to practical group interaction, GrowthCLUB is a huge motivator each quarter and is definitely a day not to be missed. The theme of a recent GrowthCLUB session was 6 Steps to Massive Results and Andrew was on top form as usual helping businesspeople to “create the best 90-day plan ever!”
If you embrace these six steps you are guaranteed to put your company on the path towards a higher growth trajectory and reach the ultimate goal of having ‘a business that works with or without you’.
The 6 Steps to Massive Results
“Where you put your focus, is where you will get your results,” says Andrew, outlining the step-by-step process to achieve this goal where a business owner is no longer needed day to day.
Starting off with step 1, Mastery, business leaders begin to get to grips with the key aspects of their operations from the destination they are heading towards to the time they take working in vs working on their business. This includes being on top of delivery processes and putting financial safeguards in place to be sustainable. This eliminates chaos.
Step 2, Niche, hones in on USPs and guarantees, leads, conversion rate, average spend, number of transactions and profit margin. This delivers a predictable cash flow.
Step 3, Leverage looks at people and education; delivery and distribution; accounting,; systems and technology which creates efficiency.
Step 4, Team, aims to build a winning team which involves recruitment, creating a company culture and the environment you wish to work within. This facilitates a structure for growth.
Step 5, Synergy relates directly to having a general manager in place so the business can operate independently as needed to become a ‘well oiled machine’.
Finally Step 6, Results delivers the freedom to build more outlets, start other businesses, invest in other projects or play the stock market. At this point your role in the company is primarily governance and oversight, which is the role of a CEO.
GrowthCLUB – Which trajectory to choose?
Each GrowthClub or 90 Day planning day, business leaders are presented with an opportunity to choose three business goals and one personal goal to propel their business and personal life forward. Large wall charts are provided or you can opt to work in Excel where you can list 13 weeks of planned actions to achieve these objectives. You also need to identify what is mission critical to your organisation and pinpoint three core disciplines that will ensure you reach your goals.
Andrew observes several trajectories that may apply to a business. You may be flatlining with various peaks and troughs which is not abnormal in business. Or you could be on a regression path. This is where you are constantly only working in the business instead of working on the business. Or you could be on a growth trajectory of varying degrees, all the way up to turbo growth.
“Working on your business five hours a week is the difference between being on a regression trajectory or a growth trajectory,” he says. “So make a commitment to work on your business, not in the business at least one hour a day. Turbo growth requires 10 hours a week on the business and 10 hours on yourself. Choose your trajectory, you may only be able to start off with one hour a day, but make that hour count! If you are not learning, you are not earning!”
The GrowthCLUB challenge
The GrowthClub challenge is therefore to take the 90 Day plan you have devised at the GrowthCLUB session and implement it each week, by taking the time you have committed to working on the business. At the GrowthCLUB event, Andrew also addressed two key values that underpin one’s journey to business success – Integrity and Humility.
“Integrity in business is doing what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it,” said Andrew, outlining a clever pneumonic to remember this principle – SUDOKO:
Say – Tell your clients what you are going to do. Write it down. If you don’t write it down it doesn’t exist.
Do – Deliver what you have promised.
Co – Communicate with your client. Tell them quickly if for any reason you can’t deliver.
Andrew also spoke about the importance of humility in business as arrogant leadership doesn’t deliver on any growth trajectory, sharing the famous quotation from CS Lewis: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”
Finally Andrew delivered what he good-humouredly calls a ‘KUTA’ – aka Kick Up The Ass. He asked each of the business owners and leaders present to draw a block with 10 lines across and 10 lines down to represent a lifetime of 100 years. He then instructed them to scratch out the years passed depending on one’s age. By the time the combined total of seven hours of sleep, one hour of eating, a family hour and time for learning and exercise what was left? This vivid image emphasised the need for prioritisation, which made a big impact on everyone present.
“As every business owner knows, it’s tough to juggle everything, and breaking down your goals into smaller chunks is a great way to tackle them, but ‘Nothing changes, if nothing changes!’ ” wrote Maggie Taylor of Frankman Design. “Yesterday Mark Vallance and I spent a packed day with the ActionCOACH UK team to work on our latest 90-day goals! We also covered the topic of ‘Time’ and the remaining time we have left to achieve our goals, which was a scary and humbling reality. My own takeaway was that in the next three months I MUST be sat in that room, with all those amazingly inspirational people, punching the air and proud to have achieved our goals.”
GrowthCLUB is an amazing opportunity to turbo boost your business. These crucial planning sessions build upon each other across the year to ensure ongoing momentum towards the key objective of building a business that can run on its own. Please contact us if you would like to attend.