Systemising your business is one of the best ways you can get something back that you probably need more of as a business owner: TIME. In order for a company to operate smoothly even when the owner is away, having robust business systems in place is crucial. The first step towards creating a self-sustaining system is to clearly define job descriptions and roles, followed by cross-training employees as needed to ensure they can seamlessly step into other roles if required.

Understanding the workflow of the organisation is essential, and one effective way to achieve this is by mapping out the entire process from start to finish. Flowcharts provide a visual aid that makes it easier to identify gaps, oversights, and prioritise actions within the operation. Within the ActionCOACH Exeter setup, we have flowcharts and workflows for everything  from the sales and marketing processes, to onboarding new staff members, and into the actual coaching programmes themselves.

Systemising your business with technology and staff development

Investing in technology and providing adequate training for employees to use it efficiently is paramount. There is so much now that can be automated, meaning that systemising your business becomes second nature, rather than having to resort to reviewing a handbook repeatedly. Empowering employees with the necessary knowledge to run the business effectively is an investment that yields long-term benefits. Continuous education workshops, seminars, and training sessions not only benefit employees but also serve as motivating incentives.

Furthermore, fostering employee development by providing opportunities for career advancement enhances loyalty and retention of top talent. Creating “turnover files” for every role, position, team, and department ensures that operational procedures are well-documented and easily replicable. These files outline how tasks are performed, the required resources, and the expected outcomes, enabling anyone to step in and perform the work accurately.

Consolidating these turnover files into a comprehensive operations manual accessible to all employees streamlines processes and ensures consistency across the organisation. This manual should cover various aspects of business operations, from closing procedures to handling customer complaints, thereby serving as a valuable resource for training, cross-training, and management reference.

Implementing self-sustaining systems not only boosts productivity but also reduces the need for constant oversight by the owner. This leads to increased revenues and profits, as well as greater flexibility for the owner to focus on strategic growth opportunities rather than day-to-day operations. By systemising your business effectively, you can position it for long-term success and scalability.

Need help?

As always, I am available for a complementary coaching session to talk about this subject. Get in touch at and we can find time to talk.