Identifying your best customers is crucial for any business looking to increase revenue and maximise profits. In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s essential to focus on cultivating relationships with customers who are most likely to spend more and generate the greatest return on investment. Brad Sugars, in his book Buying Customers, provides valuable insights into this subject. Below are five key tips to help you identify your best customers and ultimately attract more customers to your business.

1. Look for Customers Who Are Profitable

The first step in identifying your best customers is pinpointing those who are the most profitable. This means focusing on customers who not only make frequent purchases but also generate high revenue and a positive return on investment. To achieve this, analyse your sales data to determine which customers are spending the most money. Then, compare this information to the costs associated with serving those customers. This analysis will give you a clear picture of which customers are generating the greatest return on investment, helping you prioritise those relationships to attract more customers.

2. Focus on Customers Who Are Loyal

Loyalty is another critical factor in identifying your best customers. Loyal customers are those who return to your business repeatedly and are likely to recommend your products or services to others. To gauge customer loyalty, examine metrics such as repeat purchase rates and customer lifetime value. Additionally, consider surveying your customers to gather feedback on your products or services and understand why they continue to do business with you. By focusing on nurturing these loyal relationships, you can create brand advocates who will help attract more customers.

3. Identify Customers Who Are Easy to Serve

When evaluating your best customers, consider the ease of service. Customers who are easy to work with, understand your offerings, and require minimal resources are invaluable. To identify these customers, review metrics such as customer satisfaction scores, response times, and the number of support tickets. You can also solicit feedback from your customer service team regarding which customers are the easiest to handle. By recognising and prioritising these easy-to-serve customers, you can streamline operations and enhance the customer experience, making it easier to attract more customers.

4. Look for Customers Who Have the Potential to Grow

Identifying customers with growth potential is vital for long-term success. These customers have the capacity to increase their spending over time and can generate more revenue for your business in the future. To determine which customers have this potential, analyse factors such as the size of their business, industry, and level of engagement with your products or services. Additionally, consider using predictive analytics to identify customers who are most likely to increase their spending. By focusing on nurturing these relationships, you can build a customer base that is poised for growth, ultimately attracting more customers.

5. Focus on Customers Who Are a Good Fit for Your Business

Finally, it’s essential to focus on customers who align with your business values and mission. These customers are not only a good match for your products or services but are also likely to become loyal over time. To identify these customers, assess their behaviour patterns, values and beliefs, and the types of products or services they are interested in. Utilise customer segmentation to group customers based on common characteristics, enabling you to focus on segments that fit well with your business. By doing so, you can create tailored marketing strategies that resonate with these customers, making it easier to attract more customers.


Identifying your best customers is not just about boosting profits; it’s about building strong relationships that contribute to sustainable growth. By focusing on profitable, loyal, easy-to-serve customers with growth potential and a good fit for your business, you can enhance your strategies to attract more customers. Implementing these five key tips will set you on the path to maximising your customer base and, ultimately, your bottom line.

By understanding and prioritising these aspects of your customer relationships, you’ll not only increase your revenue but also cultivate a loyal community that supports your business for years to come.