A Coach at Christmas
As I finish off the final week of my first full calendar year as a coach, I sit listening to James Vincent in today’s Big Friday Finish feeling really proud that what I do makes a real difference. Some business owners I work with have admitted in recent weeks that they were expecting to close down their business by this Christmas, as they felt “trapped” and just didn’t know how to manage running the business any longer. Others have benefitted from me meeting with their accountants and bookkeepers, to look at ways to make things more tax efficient, with one client saving over £2000 a month in unnecessary fees.
So now, I find myself wondering – what do I do with myself during the Christmas break? How does a coach stop coaching and start enjoying the festive season.
For me personally, my faith is such a central part of my life that I look forward marking the occasion not just with presents and turkey, but a real celebration of the birth of all Christianity. This will bring my family together in a way that nothing else can, and will genuinely mean so much to me to see two of my children returning home from university for a few weeks.
I celebrated a moment today with Andi, Director of Business Development on my team here, when I noticed that I was sending out a huge number of Christmas cards to clients… This time last year, I only sent one to my sole client! We have also sent out cards to everyone who has enquired with us this year, just to let them know that we appreciate them giving us some of their time and thought.
The only thing left for me to do to feel that I have “given” a gift to everyone reading this is to offer some free coaching. So many business owners are working too many hours on a daily and weekly basis, and not too many will give themselves the whole of the festive period off… So please do download the below article from ActionCOACH UK, full of advice as to how you can work fewer hours. Once you’d had a read and a bit of time to reflect, please do make contact with one of the team here if you need our support to put it all into action and reap the benefits.