Providing health relationships and sex education

“How would you feel if a young person started asking you questions about sex and relationships? Scared? Terrified? Really awkward? Many people don’t like talking about this subject and yet young people wake up every day looking for answers, and so often turning to pornography and their peers for answers and education. RePHRASE is the paracetamol to that pain. We provide sex and relationships education #WithoutTheAwkwardness, and I LOVE IT!” – PJ Livett.

I first met PJ around 2 years ago over a coffee after a short chat on LinkedIn. I had just left my career in education, and PJ had just launched her business, RePHRASE. It was a meeting of kindred spirits in many ways, both “new” at what we were doing, both passionate about helping young people, and both exploring a space so far outside of our comfort zone (me – social media, PJ – launching a business). It was a really refreshing, honest, and meaningful chat. Like some of the most valuable business conversations, no “business” was actually done at all – no one passed a business card, no one tried to “sell”, there was no agenda nor minutes typed up. What happened was a meaningful relationship was started, and I’ve been privileged to play a part in supporting PJ in her mission to “change one person’s world, over and over”.

The Spotlight Interview

I really wanted to run this series of interviews to demonstrate that “The Apprentice” (that thing on the telly) really does not represent what “business people” are like: at least not in my experience. PJ, like many business owners and founders, started her business not to become a billionaire and buy yachts, but because she had a real purpose to what she wanted to do. The passion and drive started when she was only 14 years old, in fact, recognising that she was on the receiving end of poorly delivered and awkward teaching about sex and relationships.

Well worth a watch to find out more about PJ herself, and some GREAT advice too for those of you new to business, or considering starting your own.


.Get in touch with a member of the ActionCOACH Exeter team if you would like to appear in a spotlight interview.